6 Workman Place, Leonay


Your Happily Ever After
Think a little harder and look a little deeper at how this family home can meet your needs - now and into the future. The floorplan offers intimate living and options for the family to stretch out as their need for space grows. The fresh and modern ambience can be felt from the street. Manicured gardens flow through the front and rear yards leaving ample space for the children and pets to roam.

+ Flexible floor plan
+ Renovated kitchen/bathroom
+ Air conditioning throughout
+ LED lighting + ceiling fans
+ Tiled + timber flooring
+ Large alfresco space
+ Side access

300m to River Walk / 800m to Primary School / 1500m to Freeway / 1100m to Gymnasium / 1500m to Caf? at Lewers / 1200m walk to Coffee Club
(All distances are approximates)
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